



一年后的相遇,我遇见了我的启蒙老师侯清姿,她的sign name是两个C,她也是我接触最多的聋人,第一天上课的情况犹如昨晚才发生。一年后,她的长发剪短了,而且烫卷了,我差点就认不出她,剪了短发,她看起来更活泼可爱。活泼因为她比手语的时候很生动,可爱因为她其实比我年轻,哈哈哈。

由于时间紧迫,我缺席了当天的活动,27/09/09是世界聋人日,International Deaf Day简称IDD,是一项在全世界同步举行的活动。我没有进到会场,只是在柜台处把东西交给清姿,在短短的10分钟交流,体验到她对此活动的喜悦,她对于现状工作的热诚,还有她那一贯的乐天,虽然她没有笑声,但是她的笑容是最灿烂,最无邪。

I never regret the motive that moved me to learn Sign Language. That's is rather an opportunity that I had experienced. Sign language a communication bridge links both hearing and deaf. And passed through this communication barrier, I saw their effort and dedication to their life.

A year past, I met her again. She is my sign language teacher, How Ching Cher. Her sign name is CC. She used to be the person that signed most to me. I remember the situation during first class as if it was just happened yesterday. After 1 year, she cut her long straight hair to short curly hair. I almost couldn't recognize her. She looks so pretty and even look cuter from previous.

Due to tight schedule, I absent myself to International Deaf Day (IDD). IDD is a global event held synchronously in different locations. I just approached to lobby of YMCA and passed her a gift. We had a short interactive session about 10 minutes, however I could feel her excitement of attending this event. She told me about her job and she holds her ethic firmly. She is always optimistic. Although her laugh is silent, but her smile showed the great brightness and happiness which I have ever seen.


ruyeec said...


戴伦 said...


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