

Wbadmin Command and Task Scheduler

You can create scheduled system image backups for your users by using the Wbadmin command and Task Scheduler.


  • Wbadmin command. You can use the Wbadmin command to create and manage system image backups for computers running Windows 7. To open a command prompt with elevated privileges, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Then, to see the syntax for the Wbadmin command, at the prompt type: wbadmin /?
  • Task Scheduler. If you want to create a schedule to run backups at different times on different days, you can use Task Scheduler to create a series of tasks to run the Wbadmin start backup command on the desired schedule or to launch a batch file. To open Task Scheduler, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Task Scheduler.

    for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%g in ('date /t') do (
    set mm=%%g
    set dd=%%h
    set yy=%%i

    wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:F: -allCritical -include:E: -quiet >> F:\BackupLog\backupLogs%yy%%mm%%dd%.txt


    for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%g in ('date /t') do (
    set mm=%%g
    set dd=%%h
    set yy=%%i

    xcopy "D:\Domains\LocalUser" /s /i /y "E:\www_backup\%yy%-%mm%-%dd%\" >> E:\www_backup\logs\%yy%%mm%%dd%.txt


For information about, and instructions for using the Wbadmin command and Wbadmin start backup with Task Scheduler, see the following articles on the Microsoft Web site:
In addition, Windows Backup in Windows 7 contains several tools and features to help your users perform one-time and scheduled ups and, later, recover their files, data, and systems. You can manage certain functionalities of these tools using Group Policy. However, for the most part, these features are not designed to be administered in a managed environment.
  • For information about how your users can use Windows Backup features in Windows 7, see Windows Help and How-To (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=143621).
  • For information about managing these features using Group Policy, download the Group Policy Settings Reference (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=143622).


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