(04:27:05 PM) Stephen: ask u a serious question
(04:27:11 PM) Darren: ask
(04:27:55 PM) Stephen: since both of us single for so long.. will u consider me to be ur partner ?
(04:29:08 PM) Darren: the spark needs to be start from all over again
(04:30:31 PM) Darren: and the evaluation and appraisal has to be done from ground like knowing a new friend
(04:36:29 PM) Darren: but i want to thank u
(04:36:36 PM) Darren: for build me up strong
(04:40:59 PM) Stephen: thanks me ? how i build you strong?
(04:42:21 PM) Darren: u rejected me
(04:43:12 PM) Stephen: sorry to hear tat..but i didnt rejected u .. just i choosed Joshua instead
(05:12:46 PM) Stephen: nvr mine..顺其自然...
i haven't told you the story.. actually i will go SG start from next month till next year march 2013 for a new project in Changi Airport... besides my company is offering me an internal transfer to work in SG, HR preparing my proposal now... i might accept the offer but 50/50 ... 突然我的脑海想起你,你应该察觉为什么这几天我会联络你。因为对你有一种不舍的感觉。
(05:13:47 PM) Darren: we can still keep in touch via whatsapp mah
(05:15:23 PM) Darren: 也许不舍的感觉只是一刹那的感觉,感觉过去了,一切变回原形
(05:18:43 PM) Stephen: 不是。已经快一个月了,我从来没有过这么强烈的感觉...but still want to thank you for listen to me... :)
appreciate to know you for so many years ... :)
(05:19:28 PM) Stephen: 就如你说吧。。可能感觉会过去。。。
(05:20:54 PM) Darren: 我应该开心我还能够在你心里反应出漪涟
(05:21:12 PM) Stephen: 开心就好。:)
(05:21:26 PM) Stephen: 生活还是要过
(05:22:08 PM) Darren: 也许在新加坡会找到你的伯乐
回历新年的第二天,我们三兄弟从马六甲出发来到 Batu Pahat 的 Tanjung Segenting. 大约两个小时车程。沿途过了Ayer Hitam收费站,经过Batu Pahat Mall,翻山越岭终于看到 Tanjung Segenting 路牌。驶进 Tanjung Segenting 地区,这一带的庙宇多不胜数,有太上老君庙,王母娘娘庙,仙师庙,八仙庙等等,这一带的居民在灵气那么重的环境下成长,不知道会不会比较克煞?
唱~我闭上眼睛 贴着你心跳呼吸 而此刻地球 只剩我们而已 你微笑的唇型 总勾着我的心 每一秒初吻 我每一秒都想要吻你 就这样 爱你 爱你 爱你 随时都要一起 我喜欢 爱你 外套 味道 还有你的怀里 把我们衣服钮扣互扣 那就不用分离 美好爱情 我就爱这样贴近 因为你~ 情歌,在感情甜蜜期如甘之若饴,反之则讥讽赫然。 如果爱情是一件件加在身上的衣裳,卸去甜蜜的“袈裟”,脱去彼此信任的“衣裳”,再脱去彼此了解的“内衣”,剩下的是容忍的程度 level of tolerance. Maroon 5 这样唱: If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All those fairytales are full of shit One more stupid love song I'll be sick 如果天长地久真的存在 我依然会和你长相厮守 童话般的爱情像吹大牛 该死的情歌叫我抓狂 和Kimberly的歌形成对比。 英文歌词在有些时候就是可以这样直接豁达地表达,有些意境是中文歌词较逊色的。 “童话般的爱情像吹大牛” 显露不出激昂的感慨,但是英文的 full of shit 完全表露 pissed off 的情怀。
第一次听到这首歌是在国铨的周年纪,他的小龙龙娓娓念出歌词,依稀觉得这歌词很熟悉,原来是电影 “暮光暮光-破晓” Twilight - Breaking dawn 的主题曲,女主角贝拉在正式嫁给吸血鬼爱德华的时候播放这首歌。每次听到电台播放这首歌我的泪水都会情不自禁夺眶而出,我不知道为什么?K说:Because you are thirst of love。当爱情造成的伤害越多,爱情的门槛就会越高,能够跃过的就越少。也许真如歌词所言,必须经历千灾万劫才能等到那个跃过的人?
英文 crawling back to you 的意思不是爬向你,而是恳求原谅 begging for forgiveness 的意思。喜欢 Chris Daughtry 爆发力的嗓音,I can't stop playing this song over and over again.
Lessons learned, bridges burned to the ground,
And it's too late now to put out the fire,
Tables turned, and I'm the one who's burning now,
Well I'm doing alright,
'Til I close my eyes
And then I see your face,
And it's no surprise.
Just like that I'm crawling back to you,
Just like you said I would yeah,
I swallow my pride,
Now I'm crawling back to you,
I'm out of my head,
Can't wait any longer,
Down on my knees, I thought I was stronger,
Just like that, like you said I'd do,
I'm crawling back to you.
Time can heal, but the scars only hide the way you feel,
And it's hard to forget how I left you hanging
On by a thread, when everything is said, I will regret it, yeah,
I was doin' alright, thought I could make it,
Then I see your face and it's hard to fake it.
Just like that I'm crawling back to you,
Just like you said I would yeah,
I swallow my pride,
Now I'm crawling back to you,
I'm out of my head,
Can't wait any longer,
Down on my knees, I thought I was stronger,
Just like that, like you said I'd do,
I'm crawling back to you.
If you could find a way, to forgive everything, I know you would.
And I would take it all back, give if only I knew that I could.
Lessons learned, bridges burned to the ground.
And it's too late now, to put out the fire.
Just like that I'm crawling back to you,
Just like you said I would yeah,
I swallow my pride,
Now I'm crawling back to you,
I'm out of my head,
Can't wait any longer,
Down on my knees, I thought I was stronger,
Just like that, like you said I'd do,
I'm crawling back to you.